Category Archives: Uncategorized

’Trickle in’ economics: How Dems should talk about infrastructure investment
The Republicans won a big victory by cutting corporate taxes and reconfiguring individual tax rates to favor rich donors and red state voters. Majority House Leader Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), not fully sated by his conservative legerdemain, now openly longs for so-called “entitlement reform,” a euphemistic phrase for cutting the Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security systems that […]

Lessons of COVID-19 Vaccines for Progressive Utopians
This is an abridged version of remarks delivered by Professor Michael A. Santoro to the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, University of Oxford Faculty of Law, on 10 February 2021. I would venture to say that just about everyone working in the business and human rights field, myself included, is a Progressive Utopian. I define […]

Corporate Governance: Hardware and Software Failures
I firmly believe that the link between good ethics and good business is ever tightening in the modern business environment. Companies have two mechanisms for successfully managing ethics that are akin to the way your computer works. There’s the hardware – the policies and processes that a company institutionalizes, e.g., its corporate governance documents, code […]

The Avocado Toast on the Wall
Read my latest blog on China with my Santa Clara University colleague Robert Shanklin published in the Pacific Council on Foreign Policy Newsroom.